The first co-conspirator of Alex Murdaugh is finally behind bars! True Sunlight co-hosts Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell attended Cory Fleming’s sentencing hearing this week in Charleston, South Carolina, where they watched Fleming — a former attorney who took advantage...
TSP 04 – Should Libel Be A Crime? And Why The Latest Odd Connection to the Murdaugh Case Needs a Serious Look…
True Sunlight co-hosts Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell go down a new rabbit hole that leads them to a story not yet told about the world of Alex Murdaugh. After two Beaufort County teenagers are arrested for allegedly creating a fake Instagram account to impersonate a...
TSP 02 – What Game Is Team Murdaugh Playing Now? And What’s Going on With Cory Fleming?
Despite Dick and Jim’s insistence that their client has been cooperating with federal investigators, Beth Braden, a journalist from Tennessee who now works with Luna Shark, attended Alex's arraignment Wednesday and reported that Alex Murdaugh entered a plea of Not...
TSP 01 – Another Twist? Alex Murdaugh and Cory Fleming Federally Indicted
Welcome to the new face of MMP. True Sunlight is the antithesis of True crime. True Sunlight values accuracy over access journalism. True Sunlight is shed with empathy — not exploitation. True Sunlight was created as a matter of public service — not just...