On Tuesday, about 100 people gathered at the South Carolina statehouse to talk about something really important — victims and how they are often pushed aside in our justice system.
Murdaugh Murders Podcast host Mandy Matney and other victims advocates in South Carolina rallied on the Statehouse steps this week, calling for meaningful change at the legislative level. Victims of violent crime — and victims of Alex Murdaugh — have had enough of this system, which continues to ignore and harm them.
In this episode, Mandy Matney and Co-Host Liz Farrell talk about victims rights, the need for judicial reform and how to solve the problem with legislator-lawyers.
You can watch a full version of the rally here: https://fb.watch/ks53RmDmYl/ – And learn more about SC Bill 4183 Here: https://bit.ly/3BhM9NB
Soak Up The Sun MMP Premium Members were able to reconvene as we broadcast today’s hearing live and we’ll share another link soon with complete audio. Consider joining our MMP Premium Membership community to help us SHINE THE SUNLIGHT! CLICK HERE to learn more: https://bit.ly/3BdUtOE
Or you can watch the SC Supreme Court’s original broadcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAnfDa1nYSM
We’ll explore much more about the Jeroid Price and secret hearings in South Carolina on Monday’s Cup of Justice – Listen with the links below or wherever you get your podcasts.
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cup-of-justice/id1668668400
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Itp67SQTZEHQGgrX0TYTl?si=39ff6a0cc34140f3
We all want to drink from the same Cup Of Justice — and it starts with learning about our legal system. By popular demand, Cup of Justice has launched as its own weekly show. Go to cupofjusticepod.com to learn more or click the link in the episode description to get a hot cup of justice wherever you get your podcasts!
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