Mica's notification to the SC Secretary of State's office about her stolen notary seal and replies from SOS representation and JP Miller.
Francis, Mica – 2024, Feb 17-20 – Notary Seal Stolen Report Emails
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Mica's notification to the SC Secretary of State's office about her stolen notary seal and replies from SOS representation and JP Miller.
Horry County PD's incident reports on the alleged theft from Dare 2 Care Missions for Solid Rock Ministries bank account in March 2024. Horry County PD's interview notes with Solid Rock Church. Miller,Mica_2024March13_HorryCountyPD_TheftInterview Horry...
Myrtle Beach PD's event and incident reports about alleged employee theft from Solid Rock Ministries in February and March 2024. SolidRockMinistries_2024Feb15_MyrtleBeachPD_StolenMoneyEventReport SolidRockMinistries_2024March13_MyrtleBeachPD_StolenMoneyIncidentReport...