This is the last episode of the Murdaugh Murders Podcast created by Mandy Matney, written with journalist Liz Farrell and produced by David Moses… but don’t freak out! We are simply changing the name of the podcast next week while the mission stays the same.
The podcast will ONLY get better from here — with more stories to cover, more journalists to work with, and WOO, more time to do these podcasts.
This podcast has been much more than work for our whole team in the past two years.
So for this episode, before we start tackling other complicated cases, we want to take some time to reflect on the last two years. To remember the good, bad, ugly and straight up strange things we have revealed on MMP. To remember where we started, how far we’ve come. To remind everyone that if we can do this, you can do it too.
As the Murdaugh Murders Podcast team looks toward a very bright future of shining a light on corruption, co-hosts Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell reflect on the past two years of uncovering the truth in the dark underworld of Alex Murdaugh. The battle for justice is ongoing but being pesky paid off. In this episode, Mandy and Liz go behind-the-scenes and share the best, biggest and funniest moments of the podcast and the many surprises they encountered along the way.