So while we have a bit of an Alex Murdaugh break this week, True Sunlight Co-hosts Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell wanted to talk about something really important that’s expected to happen the week after his evidentiary hearing. With South Carolina’s judicial elections on the horizon, today’s episode revisits the Bowen Turner case and how his prosecutor’s 12-year journey to the judgeship continues to expose the darkest corners of legal power. 

After reviewing hundreds of documents SC judicial selection, it seems like the Judicial Merit Selection Commission (JMSC) has unspoken rules. They can’t – and don’t – talk about the thing that is central to their existence – those few people in our state with the power to elect our judges wield unspoken power from the statehouse to the courtroom. That power has tipped the scales of justice for far too long in South Carolina.

This system makes legislator-lawyers’ private practices potentially more profitable. And it gives a certain class of attorneys in the state much more power in the courtroom — especially when their clients can afford to surreptitiously fund a judge’s upheaval. It’s truly unreal to watch some of the most powerful people in our state operate as if they don’t have a clue – nor do they care – about the concerns of South Carolina citizens or public safety….

Catch up on previous episodes dealing with the JMSC and Bowen Turner debacle at We’ll also Premiere the November 8, 2023 JMSC hearing for Soak Up The Sun members near noon and for the public on Luna Shark’s YouTube channel near 2pm ET on Thursday January 25th.


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