As mentioned in the TSP #6 email announcement – Our awesome reporter Beth Braden received a 500-page FOIA from SCDC regarding Jeroid Price’s release. 

Have a look at the PDF in this link (be sure to log into before clicking)
Jeroid Price Prison Records for Production FOIA-0135-23.pdf

Remember how Price’s attorney, lawyer-lawmaker Todd Rutherford, held a press conference saying that his client “ has done nothing but help the citizens of South Carolina, saving the lives of correctional officers”? Remember how the whole reason Price was allegedly let out because of this so-called life-saving behavior…?
Well Beth asked for reports related to Price’s prison record – including the specific incident reports when Price allegedly helped save Correctional Officers – and y’all – we got so many pages back…including a whole lot of pages about the correctional officers involved. 
Beth, Liz and I all spent the afternoon reading through these documents to the best of our ability. 
And guess what? Not only have we not seen ANY evidence of Price “HELPING” a single person during his stint behind bars, it shows that he HIMSELF got had altercations with prison guards.

We discuss 500 pages of Jeroid Price’s prison record linked above in TSP #6 and we’ll review with all ‘SUTS’ members when we get back from vacation.








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