Eric Bland recaps this past week’s events, including Mandy Matney’s appearance at College of Charleston and her future book tour locations.


Happy Thursday premium listeners, EB here. A lot has happened this week. Personally, a lot has happened for Mandy. We’re expanding a lot of what we’re doing at Luna Shark, which you’ll hear about. I have signed a deal to write a book a little different than Mandy’s book. Mandy’s book, Blood On Their Hands is, you know, it is a memoir, but it’s a lot about Murdaugh. I have the 12 principles of life, to be successful that I’ve lived by, taught my kids. And so I signed a book deal to write about how to navigate life and employ these 12 principles. I’m looking forward to writing it. I’ve also made the final preparations for a merchandise store for my bobbleheads and some shirts and glasses and slogans that I’ve said over the past couple of years, Cup of Justice, all these different things. And I’m really excited about it because the profits from those are going to go to charities and we’ve gotten some great suggestions by listeners and followers on my Twitter on where the money should go, whether it’s to military groups or pet groups or women who have been abused. I think it’s going to be awesome. Can’t wait and I’m going to need the big support from you guys.

Mandy is just on fire right now. You know, her book, Blood On Their Hands comes out in the middle of November, but she’s on a book tour now. She’s speaking to the College of Charleston. She’s going to be and tomorrow afternoon there’s a live event on Sullivan’s Island. I won’t be there. But I have to give another interviewed to the documentary that Fox News has been working on. Yesterday I interviewed, then the Satterfield boys interviewed and then today Ginger Hadwin gets interviewed and tomorrow the Plyler sisters get interviewed. So, we had an article that came out this week that was written by our slammin’ Sammy, Sam, my friend. She wrote an article on what is life like behind federal prison bars? You know, I have, my best friend is a felon. And he has told me so much about the year that he served in federal prison. It is scary. It’s not glamorous. It’s not easy. But I’m anxious to read Sam’s article.

On November 6, we’re going to have a live where there will be signed books. November 13 signed books for Mandy November 13 she’ll be at USC. There’ll be a hit Hilton Head book signing November 16. It’ll be a Corner Perk happy hour November 17 at Arizona State Barrett Honors College. I mean, so much good is coming to Mandy and she deserves it.

We have not heard anything regarding the Satterfield criminal case. I’ve been subpoenaed. My clients have been subpoenaed. But we haven’t seen whether Dick Harpootlian is going to make a motion to continue that trial or make a motion to have judge Newman recuse himself. There have been absolutely no Stephen Smith updates and I’m just I remain puzzled and troubled by that. I have not had much communication with Chief Keel and that does distress me. So that is pretty much the weekly update. It was a quiet week for Murdaugh which is good been able to get a lot of work done. I took a deposition today for one of my larger cases it went well.

Very happy about Mandy, happy about Liz; she finally had surgery on her hand and it seems to have been successful. She’s been in a lot of pain with a numb hand for a long time. So we’re gonna do a Cup of Justice episode this weekend and with that, I will bid you farewell. Everybody be safe. Please, please watch yourself. It’s it’s the tension. You could feel the tension in our world today. It’s not just overseas, you can feel people are tense and uneasy feeling. And so let’s be nice to everybody. Let’s try to love each other. Let’s try to listen to each other and I appreciate you listening to me. Take care.

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