Immediately following Alex Murdaugh’s bond hearing, Mandy and David took a trip to the mountains for some much needed relaxation.
Mandy wanted the trip to be quiet and slow, full of intimate moments and little screen time. But she only recalled one moment in particular that was relaxing enough to take her mind off the Murdaugh mess: 20 peaceful moments in the hot tub.

On the way home from their trip to the mountains, Mandy and David stopped in Columbia, South Carolina, to attend a fundraising event organized by a Facebook group called #StandingforStephen.
The organizer of the fundraiser reached out to Sandy and Mandy saying she was a fan of the podcast and was moved by Stephen’s story. Proceeds from the fundraiser were set go toward purchasing a headstone for Stephen.

Sandy also worked directly with Mandy to create a scholarship in Stephen’s name. More information about the scholarship can be found here.

To donate to the Stephen Nicholas Smith Memorial Scholarship fund, click here.
After years of working apart, Mandy and Liz were reunited in the workplace, sharing the load of the constant breaking news in the Murdaugh case. Liz joined Mandy and David at their kitchen table and recording episodes of Murdaugh Murders Podcast.
Liz quickly became a fan-favorite for her ability to be witty and share the truth. Grab the tissues because Luna Shark Premium Members shared a tearful moment when Mandy and David expressed their gratitude for Liz in a recent Happy Hour:
Behind the Book with Co-Author Carolyn Murnick

“Liz and Mandy’s friendship and professional partnership is such a big part of the book (and Mandy’s life) so we were so excited to get to the point in the narrative when Liz joined FITS and MMP. It was great to have her voice back on the page, and I loved how Liz’s first episode proved to be a moment for Mandy to look back and take stock of how far she’d come as a podcaster. It was truly impressive stuff! This chapter also caught up with Sandy Smith at the Standing For Stephen benefit, and ended up offering another reckoning with the darker side of the true crime community. The ethics of reporting on crime is obviously a huge deal for Mandy, and we wanted to show the other side of the coin in the form of unscrupulous producers whose “work” serves to retraumatize victims. Even as the cases gain traction in the courts and hopefully get closer to a just outcome, there’s always another side to things. Extra attention on victims and their families can often bring painful side effects.”
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Hi Marcy!! Open to all – no registration required… lines might form, but that’s a great opportunity to meet like-minded…
Is the sandbar event first come/first served? Or is there a way to reserve a place? that’s a small venue…
I always love seeing you guys but I am very excited to meet Liz!!
LunaShark+ member-love the work! Has it been considered with the current situation, that Becky committed these acts to help Alex…
Thank you Sam for every wonderful thing you do to enhance Lunasharkmedia. Your beautiful mind is appreciated.
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