Mandy attempted to balance her personal life and social schedule knowing that an indictment in the murder charges could come down at any minute. While she waited, she checked in often with her source at SLED, and she and Liz pored over a new batch of Alex Murdaugh’s jailhouse calls. What they didn’t expect was for Mandy’s name to be mentioned in one of the calls.
While community morale was low with the Maggie and Paul’s murder investigation, the Satterfield family brought a sense of optimism in Hampton County.
Eric Bland, the Satterfield family’s attorney, informed Mandy that the family was starting a non-profit in honor of Gloria called Gloria’s Gift which provided Christmas gifts to children in Hampton County.
The Satterfield family requested that Mandy speak at the launch event for Gloria’s Gift, leaving her feeling honored and excited to meet Gloria’s family for the first time. When she met Gloria’s sons, Tony and Brian, she was enraged as the real world impact of the alleged theft washed over her.

Behind the Book with Co-Author Carolyn Murnick

“Time seemed to slow down as we got closer to the end of the narrative. We knew the inevitable was coming: Alex Murdaugh would be charged with murdering his wife and son, but we still felt so much tension writing these final chapters. In an ironic twist of timing, the double homicide trial was beginning just as we were working on these pages, so Mandy was doing double duty by reporting on court proceedings by day, and often meeting me on weekends to go over events that had happened a year earlier. It was a hectic, jam-packed time for Mandy, and I did everything I could to keep our materials organized so we could be as efficient as possible during our meetings. I loved hearing about the Gloria’s Gift event and Mandy’s first time meeting the Satterfield boys. I was glad that there was video of the speeches, so I had the opportunity to see the room and hear many of the speakers. We were both clear on the idea that we didn’t want or need to wrap up the story in a neat bow: the work is ongoing and there were so many emotions that occurred at once: grief; new beginnings; a sense of accomplishment; vulnerability, and hope to name just a few!”
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Hi Marcy!! Open to all – no registration required… lines might form, but that’s a great opportunity to meet like-minded…
Is the sandbar event first come/first served? Or is there a way to reserve a place? that’s a small venue…
I always love seeing you guys but I am very excited to meet Liz!!
LunaShark+ member-love the work! Has it been considered with the current situation, that Becky committed these acts to help Alex…
Thank you Sam for every wonderful thing you do to enhance Lunasharkmedia. Your beautiful mind is appreciated.
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