Dallas Hayes Stoller 02/20/2001 – 11/14/2021 Following from https://justicefordallas.wordpress.com "My name is Brette Tabatabai. My sister, Karlee, and I wanted to create a central location for everyone to come access the latest news, articles, and updates relating to...
Chapter 16 – Call After Call
While more cases of Alex Murdaugh's manipulation and thievery from his clients multiplied, one story stood out to many as the most disturbing: the alleged defrauding of the Pinckney family. Hakeem Pinckney's hearing started deteriorating at a young age, but he never...
Chapter 15 – Together Again
Immediately following Alex Murdaugh's bond hearing, Mandy and David took a trip to the mountains for some much needed relaxation. Mandy wanted the trip to be quiet and slow, full of intimate moments and little screen time. But she only recalled one moment in...
Chapter 14 – Forge
Judge Clifton Newman and Creighton Waters pulled no punches at Alex Murdaugh's bond hearing in Hampton. Find out more about two important people in the Murdaugh criminal saga. Judge Clifton Newman Judge Clifton Newman is a circuit court judge in South Carolina, where...
Chapter 13 – Superficial Gunshot Wound
Alex was very calm when talking to the 911 operator after he was shot on the side of the road. You can listen to Alex talk to the operator below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jES1drLJgy4 Alex Murdaugh roadside incident AM's Hospital Form Alex Murdaugh's incident...
Chapter 12 – You’re the Only One
Within hours of uploading, the first episode of Murdaugh Murders Podcast reached thousands of ears. The show's success brought many supporters, along with hoards of people complaining about Mandy's "vocal fry." In episode two of the podcast, and in what many fans...